984-464-0120 funeralsnc@gmail.com

Get Involved

We need volunteers in all 100 counties of North Carolina

The biggest job of any Funeral Consumers Alliance is to regularly publish the general price lists (GPLs) from local funeral homes.

By doing this, consumers can quickly scan the lists to see which funeral homes offer the lower prices. Of course, we understand that cost is not the only factor when choosing a funeral home. But when a family is grieving and trying to “do the right thing,” searching endlessly for prices of funeral goods and services and not being able to find them quickly is frustrating.

So we do the groundwork and post these prices for you, and in a format where apples are compared to apples.

Funeral Consumers Alliance North Carolina is a completely volunteer-based nonprofit organization. Perhaps you are thinking about sharing your time and talents with us. Rapidly changing conditions in the funeral industry tell us how important it is to remain vibrant at this time.

If you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities listed below, email us or call 984-464-0120.

We will provide all the instruction and orientation you need to feel comfortable and welcomed!

Volunteer opportunities

Outreach: Identify and staff senior fairs and other community events. Make presentations to community and faith-based organizations. Help us ensure that target audiences are aware of our services. This includes social workers, hospice workers, clergy, senior groups, funeral directors, and cemetery operators. Identify other opportunities to inform people about FCA North Carolina.

Newsletter writing, editing & distribution:  Although most communication will be through email, we will continue to publish a hard-copy newsletter twice a year for those people who request this format.  We need volunteers to identify topics to be covered in the chapter’s bi-annual newsletter; write and submit articles; provide photos and other illustrations; help with mailing preparation.

Funeral Price Survey. Help to acquire, compile, and analyze the data from general price lists provided by local funeral providers.

Updating Lists  Our mailing lists, email lists, and other Excel databases require continued updating.

Contact us if you can help!